Spanish & Music

Learn to play typical Peruvian instruments

Combine your Spanish program with an interesting workshop in Cusco!

Peru has a long history of music making, archeologist have found instruments more than 6000 years old! Peru has many ecosystems, each of which provide different raw materials to turn into instruments. The music class offers the option to get to know these instruments and learn how to play the one of our choice.

Spanish group course

In our budget-friendly group lessons you will learn Spanish in a social and warm environment. You will talk, socialize and study with your fellow students and practice your Spanish together. The maximum group size is only 4 students. This way your teacher has enough time and personalized attention for each student’s learning process.

We have a result driven methodology which focus on day-to-day communication. During the classes you’ll practice grammar, conversational skills, listening and writing abilities.

We form the groups based on your Spanish level, we want to make sure that you have an optimal learning experience and being in the right group at the right level plays an important part in that.

Music workshop

Twice a week you’ll have a private music class with a local teacher for 1 hour each who will teach you to play an instrument of your choice.

Have you always wondered how to play a guitar, Charango or Ukulele? This is your chance! The music workshop takes place in San Blas, at about 15 minutes walking from school. Class times are flexible and to be coordinated upon arrival.

Included in the program are our weekly activities like fruit tasting class, cooking class and more!
